Friday, August 17, 2012

the batman

the batman

the batman

This weekend I celebrated my 55th birthday (July 21) - a milestone for me for sure. We went out of town for a couple of days just to unwind, re-connect and celebrate life, and for me to think about who I want to be in the next 55 years. I had actually planned to write about the process of re-invention for today's article. But the tragic events in Colorado on Friday can only make me think about the dozen lives cut short, who will never have a chance to shape their own future.

Ever since my daughter was born, I cannot help imagining that the victims of any tragedy are my own children. I think about this just about every day when I listen to the news reports from Syria. My first reaction when I heard the news about the shooting in Colorado was to feel as if a giant fist had grabbed my heart and squeezed it. My throat dried up. In the same moment that I offered up thanks that it wasn't my son or daughter wounded or killed in that movie theatre, I also cried out inside for the sons and daughters who were. I was angry and resentful. How could this happen? Who is to blame? Who can I punish?

But fixing blame and punishing the criminal (while necessary to maintain a safe society) will not change this essential principle: we cannot always control the events in our lives, no matter how hard we try. What I can control is this: this tragedy makes me stronger in my resolve to be more loving and compassionate. I resolve to teach my children that violence is a solution of last resort, and not to be revered. I resolve to let go of my ego when I disagree with my partner, because in the end my "being right" is a petty thing that I won't even remember a year from now. I resolve that I will NOT let a day go by without letting the people most important in my life know how much I love them, and that I see that they are amazing

Because here's the thing: while we can't always predict or prevent tragedy from happening, a world in which more people are in touch with their Soul is a world in which this kind of tragedy is LESS likely to take place.
the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman

the batman